Understanding the Enneagram and Tritype

The Enneagram's Role in Unveiling Personality Patterns

At the core of the Enneagram lies the understanding that there are nine fundamental personality types, each driven by distinct motivations, fears, and desires. These types serve as a framework for comprehending behavioral patterns and uncovering the underlying motives behind our actions.

The Nine Enneagram Types

The Enneagram classifies individuals into nine types, each characterized by a specific set of traits. While it's crucial to remember that everyone encompasses aspects of each type to some extent, one core type tends to dominate our personality. These types include:

Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Strives for perfection, driven by a desire for integrity and accuracy.

Type 2 – The Helper: Seeks validation through helping others, often neglecting personal needs.

Type 3 – The Achiever: Strives for success and recognition, highly focused on accomplishments.

Type 4 – The Individualist: Emotionally attuned and unique, often longing for authenticity.

Type 5 – The Investigator: Driven by a thirst for knowledge and thorough understanding.

Type 6 – The Loyalist: Values security, loyal to others, and concerned about worst-case scenarios.

Type 7 – The Enthusiast: Craves new experiences, seeks joy, and avoids pain or discomfort.

Type 8 – The Challenger: Assertive, desires control, and seeks justice and protection.

Type 9 – The Peacemaker: Strives for harmony, adapts to others, and avoids conflict.

Identifying Enneagram Types

Discovering your Enneagram type involves introspection, self-reflection, and deep analysis of traits and behaviors. Often, people resonate with one or two types more strongly than others. By engaging in Enneagram assessments or working with an Enneagram expert, you can gain clarity on your core type and better understand your behavioral tendencies.

Introducing Tritype: A Deep Dive into Personality Layering

While the Enneagram provides valuable insights into our dominant type, the Tritype model takes our understanding a step further. Tritype combines three different Enneagram types from the gut, heart, and head centers, providing a more nuanced understanding of our personality layers. This three-part combination is unique to each individual, offering comprehensive insights into our behavior.

Analyzing Childhood Trauma and Its Influence

Childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping our personalities. Traumatic events or experiences during this formative period can leave lasting imprints on our psyche, ultimately influencing our adult behavior. Understanding these traumas and their impact can provide valuable insights into the complexities of our behavioral patterns.

Enneagram Types and Childhood Trauma

Let's explore how each Enneagram type may be influenced by childhood trauma:

Type 1 – The Perfectionist

Childhood trauma for Type Ones often revolves around experiencing criticism, constant pressure to perform flawlessly, or growing up in an environment where mistakes were not tolerated.

Type 2 – The Helper

The Helper's childhood trauma often involves feelings of neglect, rejection, or being taught that their needs were not valuable or shouldn't be expressed.

Type 3 – The Achiever

Achievers may have experienced trauma related to conditional love or constant pressure to succeed, leading them to believe that their worth is solely tied to their achievements.

Type 4 – The Individualist

For Type Fours, childhood trauma often revolves around feelings of abandonment, rejection, or growing up in an environment where their uniqueness was not valued.

Type 5 – The Investigator

Childhood trauma for Investigators can stem from invasive or controlling environments that hindered their curiosity or autonomy, leaving them with a lack of trust.

Type 6 – The Loyalist

The Loyalist's childhood trauma often involves experiences of instability, unpredictability, or living in an environment with fear and uncertainty.

Type 7 – The Enthusiast

Trauma experienced by Enthusiasts typically involves restriction, boredom, or growing up in an environment where their desires and needs were curtailed.

Type 8 – The Challenger

Type Eights may have experienced childhood trauma characterized by abuse of power, betrayal, or growing up in an environment that lacked fair and just treatment.

Type 9 – The Peacemaker

Childhood trauma for Peacemakers often encompasses conflict, disconnection, or growing up in an environment where their voice and individuality were suppressed.

Tritype and Its Connection to Childhood Trauma

The combinations of three Enneagram types within the Tritype model provide a more comprehensive understanding of how childhood trauma impacts an individual's behavior. By analyzing how these three types intertwine, we can gain valuable insights into our subconscious coping mechanisms and the challenges we face as a result of our early experiences.

How the Enneagram and Tritype Shed Light on Your Behavior

Understanding the Enneagram and Tritype can have profound effects on your personal growth and self-awareness. By unraveling the influence of childhood trauma and uncovering your motivations, fears, and desires, you can:

7.1 Increased Self-Awareness

Exploring your Enneagram type and Tritype can provide a greater understanding of your automatic reactions, thought patterns, and emotional responses. Increased self-awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and break free from repetitive or destructive behaviors.

7.2 Understanding Coping Mechanisms

By delving into your Enneagram type and Tritype, you can identify the coping mechanisms you developed as a response to childhood trauma. Understanding these patterns allows for healthier navigate challenging situations.

7.3 Effective Personal Growth

The Enneagram and Tritype models offer a roadmap for personal growth and development. By recognizing the limitations and growth areas associated with your Enneagram type and Tritype, you can embark on a journey of self-improvement, self-compassion, and embracing your true potential.

Applying the Enneagram and Tritype in Daily Life

Integrating the knowledge gained from the Enneagram and Tritype into your daily life can enrich your relationships, communication, and overall well-being. Use the insights gained from these models to:

  • Better understand and empathize with others' behaviors and motivations.
  • Build more authentic connections by recognizing and addressing your own triggers and reactions.
  • Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, acknowledging that everyone has growth areas and childhood influences.


The Enneagram and Tritype are powerful tools that assess personality, delve into the impact of childhood trauma, and unlock the keys to self-discovery. By exploring these models, you can gain profound insights into your behavior, motivations, and coping mechanisms. Armed with this knowledge, you can embark on a journey of personal growth, self-compassion, and a heightened understanding of yourself and others.


  1. Can the Enneagram and Tritype completely explain my behavior?
    The Enneagram and Tritype provide invaluable insights into your behavior, but it's essential to remember that they are just tools. While they offer deep understanding, there are many other factors that contribute to who you are.

  2. How can I discover my Enneagram type and Tritype?
    There are various online assessments and Enneagram experts who can guide you in discovering your Enneagram type and Tritype. Self-reflection, honest introspection, and willingness to explore your motivations are key to uncovering your type.

  3. Can childhood trauma be overcome by understanding my Enneagram type?
    Understanding your Enneagram type and its connection to childhood trauma is the first step towards healing and personal growth. While it won't erase the effects of trauma, it can equip you with the awareness necessary to pursue healing and make positive changes.

  4. Are Enneagram types fixed or can they change over time?
    Although our core Enneagram type tends to remain stable, we can grow and integrate aspects of other types. Exploring the Enneagram and working through personal development can lead to changes in our behavior and mindset.

  5. Can Tritype help me in my relationships?
    Understanding your Tritype can benefit your relationships by fostering empathy, increasing self-awareness, and aiding in conflict resolution. It allows you to better understand both your own and others' motivations, fears, and desires.

Understanding the Enneagram and Tritype


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